Legacy API
This module describes the functionality equivalent to the deprecated IronPython API.
- class niveristand.legacy.NIVeriStand.Workspace
Interface that controls the running state of the system and accesses the channels in the system.
- GetAliasList()
Acquires all the aliases of a system.
- GetChannelVectorValues(name)
Acquires the vector value of the channel you specify.
- GetEngineState()
Returns the current state of the system.
- GetMultipleChannelValues(names)
Acquires values from the channels you specify.
- GetMultipleSystemNodesData(names)
Acquires data from the nodes you specify.
- GetSingleChannelValue(name)
Acquires the value of the channel you specify.
- GetSystemNodeChannelList(name)
Acquires all channels of the node you specify.
If you want to acquire all the channels in the system, enter “” as the node name.
- GetSystemNodeChildren(name)
Acquires a list of all the child nodes nested under the node you specify.
- LockWorkspaceFile(old_password, new_password)
Locks the configuration that is currently running.
This function will only succeed if a configuration is currently running. If this configuration was locked previously, you must enter the previous password in old_password.
- RunWorkspaceFile(file, launchworkspacewindow, deploysystemdefinition, timeout, username, password)
Runs the workspace configuration file you specify.
Raises an error if you call this function while a configuration is already running. You must stop all running configurations before you call this function. If this function times out, check to see if the deployment process took longer than expected and caused the operation to timeout. Use the GetEngineState function to check the status of the system.
- SetChannelVectorValues(name, values)
Sets the starting parameter vector value for the channel you specify.
The value you specify in values must be a matrix data type.
- SetMultipleChannelValues(names, values)
Sets the value(s) for the channels you specify.
- SetSingleChannelValue(name, value)
Sets the value for the channel you specify.
- StopWorkspaceFile(password)
Stops the execution of the currently running configuration.
- UnlockWorkspaceFile(password)
Unlocks the currently running configuration.
- class niveristand.legacy.NIVeriStand.Workspace2(gatewayIPAddress=None)
Interface that controls the running state of the system and accesses the channels in the system.
- ConnectToSystem(systemdefinition_file, deploy, timeout)
Connects the VeriStand Gateway to one or more targets running on the System Definition file you specify.
- DisconnectFromSystem(password, undeploy_system_definition)
Disconnects the VeriStand Gateway from the targets.
- GetSystemState()
Returns the current state of the system.
- LockConnection(old_password, new_password)
Locks the current VeriStand Gateway connection.
If the connection was locked previously, you must enter the previous password in old_password.
- ReconnectToSystem(target, deploy, calibration_file, timeout)
Reconnects the VeriStand Gateway to a target within the system definition file used by the Gateway. You can also redeploy the system definition file.
- SetChannelValues(channels, newValues)
Sets the value for the channels you specify.
The newValues parameter accepts scalar, vector, and matrix data types.
- StartDataLogging(configuration_name, logInfo)
Starts logging data to the configuration you specify.
- StopDataLogging(configuration_name)
Terminates data logging for the configuration you specify.
- UnlockConnection(password)
Unlocks the current VeriStand Gateway connection.
- class niveristand.legacy.NIVeriStand.PyAlarmPriority
Priority of an alarm.
- class niveristand.legacy.NIVeriStand.PyAlarmState
State of an alarm in the engine.
- class niveristand.legacy.NIVeriStand.PyAlarmMode
Specifies the mode of an alarm when triggered.
Normal mode - triggers the alarm and runs the associated script. Indicate mode - only triggers the alarm.
- class niveristand.legacy.NIVeriStand.Alarm(name, target=None, gatewayIPAddress=None)
Interface that queries information on a configured alarm.
- GetAlarmData(timeout)
Acquires the alarm data.
- SetAlarmData(alarmDict)
Sets the alarm data.
DEPRECATED function. This function does not support the Priority Number field. Use SetAlarmData2() instead.
- SetAlarmData2(alarmDict)
Modifies an alarm in the system.
- SetAlarmMode(mode)
Changes the mode of this alarm. See PyAlarmMode for possible values.
- SetEnabledState(enabled)
Enables or disables the current alarm.
- class niveristand.legacy.NIVeriStand.AlarmManager
Interface that acquires information on the state of the server alarm.
- GetAlarmList()
Acquires a list of names of all the alarms configured in the system.
- GetAlarmsStatus()
Acquires a list of alarms organized by status (high, medium, and low).
- GetMultipleAlarmsData(alarms, timeout)
Acquires information about a list of alarms.
- class niveristand.legacy.NIVeriStand.AlarmManager2(gateway_ip_address=None)
Interface that acquires information on the state of the server alarm.
- GetAlarmList(target)
Acquires a list of names of all the alarms configured in the system.
- GetAlarmsStatus(target)
Acquires a list of alarms organized by status (high, medium, and low).
- GetMultipleAlarmsData(target, alarms, timeout)
Acquires information about a list of alarms.
- class niveristand.legacy.NIVeriStand.PyModelState
Represents the state of a model.
- class niveristand.legacy.NIVeriStand.PyModelCommand
Changes the state of the model.
- class niveristand.legacy.NIVeriStand.Model(name, target=None, gatewayIPAddress=None)
Interface that acquires information on a specific model running on the system.
- GetModelExecutionState()
Acquires the execution time and state of the model.
- RestoreModelState(filepath)
Restores the state of a model running on the target. Specify the path to the model file in filepath.
- SaveModelState(filepath)
Saves the current model state to the path on the target you specify in filepath.
- SetModelExecutionState(command)
Changes the current state of the model on the server.
This is a request operation on the server. Even if this function executes successfully, the model state may remain unchanged in some cases. See PyModelState for command values.
- class niveristand.legacy.NIVeriStand.ModelManager
Interface that queries information on the models configured in the system.
- GetModelList()
Returns a list of all models configured in the system.
- GetMultipleParameterValues(names)
Acquires the value(s) of the parameters you specify.
- GetParameterVectorValues(name)
Acquires the vector values of the parameter you specify.
- GetParametersList()
Returns a list of all parameters in the system.
- GetSingleParameterValue(name)
Acquires the value of the parameter you specify.
- SetMultipleParameterValues(names, values)
Sets the value(s) of the parameters you specify.
- SetParameterVectorValues(name, values)
Sets a vector value for a parameter.
The value you specify in value must be a matrix data type.
- SetSingleParameterValue(name, value)
Sets the value of the parameter you specify.
- class niveristand.legacy.NIVeriStand.ModelManager2(gateway_ip_address=None)
Interface that queries information on the models configured in the system.
- GetModelList(target)
Returns a list of models on the target you specify.
- GetMultipleParameterValues(target, names)
Acquires the value(s) of the parameters you specify.
- GetParameterVectorValues(target, name)
Acquires the vector values of the parameter you specify.
- GetParametersList(target)
Returns a list of all parameters in the target you specify.
- GetSingleParameterValue(target, name)
Acquires the value of the parameter you specify.
- SetMultipleParameterValues(target, names, values)
Sets the value of the parameter(s) you specify.
- SetParameterValues(target, names, matrixArr)
Sets the vector value of the parameter(s) you specify.
The value you specify in matrixArr must be a matrix data type. Sample usage ModelManager2.SetParameterValues(“target1”,[“1By3Param”,”2By3Param”],[[[1,2,3]],[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]])
- SetParameterVectorValues(target, name, values)
Set a parameter vector values.
Values are expected to be a matrix type.
- SetSingleParameterValue(target, name, value)
Sets the value of the parameter you specify.
- UpdateParametersFromFile(target, parameterfiles)
Update a set of parameters specified in the parameter files.
- class niveristand.legacy.NIVeriStand.ChannelFaultManager(gatewayIPAddress=None)
Interface that institutes software value forcing on the system.
- ClearAllFaults()
Clears all faults.
- ClearFault(name)
Removes the channel you specify from the fault list.
- GetFaultList()
Acquires a list of all currently faulted channels.
- GetFaultValue(name)
Acquires the fault value of a channel you specify.
- SetFaultValue(name, value)
Sets the fault value of the channel you specify.
- class niveristand.legacy.NIVeriStand.PyStimulusState
Represents the state of the stimulus generation server.
- class niveristand.legacy.NIVeriStand.PyStimulusResult
Represents the result of the stimulus generation.
- class niveristand.legacy.NIVeriStand.Stimulus
- GetStimulusProfileFile()
Acquires the current stimulus definition file.
- GetStimulusProfileManagerState()
Returns the state of the stimulus generation component.
- GetStimulusProfileResult()
Acquires the result of stimulus generation test.
Only the table test produces a test file of the result.
- ReserveStimulusProfileManager()
Creates a task that reserves the stimulus generation server.
This task prevents other clients from interrupting the stimulus generation process.
- RunStimulusProfile(testfile, baselogpath, timeout, autostart, stopondisconnect)
Starts the stimulus generation you defined in the test file.
- StopStimulusProfile()
Stops the stimulus generation.
- UnreserveStimulusProfileManager()
Destroys the task that reserves the stimulus generation server. Frees the server for other clients to use.
- class niveristand.legacy.NIVeriStand.Stimulus2(gatewayIPAddress=None)
Automates the execution of stimulus profiles.
- RunStimulusProfile(testfile, baselogpath, timeout, autostart, stopondisconnect, parameterfiles=())
Starts the stimulus generation you defined in the test file.
- class niveristand.legacy.NIVeriStand.MacroRecorder
- class niveristand.legacy.NIVeriStand.PyMacroPlayerState
Represents the state of the macro player.
- class niveristand.legacy.NIVeriStand.PyMacroPlayerMode
Represents the replay mode of the macro player.