Getting Started


niveristand has two major capabilities: system definition scripting, and real-time sequence scripting and deployment. NI recommends you use an editor with code completion, such as Visual Studio Code, to make it easier to browse and use this code.

Scripting system definition files

You can script system definition (.nivssdf) files for use in the NI VeriStand editor and deploy them to the NI VeriStand engine.

Real-time sequences

You can create and run NI VeriStand real-time (RT) sequences from Python that work in both the NI VeriStand engine and Stimulus Profile Editor: - Convert Python functions into real-time sequences and save the converted Python functions to a file. - Run test sequences in two different modes:

  • Deterministic Mode

    Deploys a real-time sequence to a running NI VeriStand system and executes the sequence in real-time.

  • Python Mode

    Runs a test sequence from a host machine that communicates with an NI VeriStand system through the Gateway. Python mode emulates the behavior of Deterministic mode. Python mode is useful in the following cases:

    • You need to debug your real-time sequence.

    • You want to take full advantage of the Python ecosystem.


To install niveristand, use one of the following methods:

  1. pip:

    $ python -m pip install niveristand
  2. easy_install from setuptools:

    $ python -m easy_install niveristand
  3. Download the project source and run the following script:

    $ python install


Refer to System Definition Examples for detailed examples of how to script a system definition file.

Refer to Basic Real-time Sequence Examples for detailed examples of how to write a Python real-time sequence.